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Staff Reporting Information

如果学校因天气原因停课,谁来工作,什么时候工作, delayed openings or early dismissals? The following information covers the majority of these situations. 谈判达成的工会协议包含全天或部分工作日紧急关闭的条款. The emergency leave manual also covers the following.

Employee Union Contracts


Who Works When Schools are Closed?

Schools and Offices Closed


只有主管指定的应急人员才能上班. 除非另有通知,所有楼宇设备和选定的维修人员都被指定为应急人员.

任何紧急情况下的员工都不能请假. 已授权校长和主任在工作人员对学校或地点的现行职能至关重要的情况下指定额外的工作人员作为应急人员. 如果你被指定为应急人员,你的主管会通知你报到工作. For example, 如果要求工资单处理和IT员工制作工资单,则可以指定他们为应急人员.

Schools Closed, Offices Open


All building services staff are required to report for work. 所有11个月和12个月的专业员工以及所有12个月的支持服务员工都必须在学校关闭和行政办公室开放的日子里按规定的时间报到工作. Emergency leave should not be reported for any of these employees.

However, 10个月的专业服务雇员以及9个月和10个月的支助服务雇员将获得紧急休假. Long-term substitute teachers, 员工发展代课教师和临时兼职午餐时间助手(2690班)不报到工作,并将被准予紧急休假.

短期代工不报到工作,也不准予紧急休假. 计划工作的临时雇员将在相同工作类别的正式雇员预计报告的情况下报告. Emergency leave is not authorized for these temporary employees.

Administrative offices

所有11个月和12个月的专业人员和12个月的辅助服务人员将报到. 所有10个月的专业人员以及所有9个月和10个月的支助服务雇员将获准紧急休假. Temporary employees are subject to the same provisions as above.

Administrative and central offices are defined as 45 W. Gude, CESC; Century 21, Connecticut Park, Lincoln, Lynnbrook, Rocking Horse Road and Spring Mill centers; Shady Grove Complex (Transportation/Maintenance/Food Services); Vision Programs; and Upper Montgomery County Center.

Delayed Opening or Early Dismissal

Delayed opening

A delayed opening only applies to schools. 所有行政办公室人员将按规定时间报到. 工作日为10个月校本教师(A-D)工资表, including kindergarten teachers, 所有9个月和10个月的支持性服务员工将在推迟的上课时间开始前20分钟开始工作.

The school-based cafeteria manager, along with the food service supervisor and principal, 当学校延迟开学时,会决定校内食物及营养工作人员的开始时间吗. 调整后的开课时间将视学校调整后的供餐时间而定. 所有11个月和12个月的专业和12个月的支持服务学校员工预计将按正常时间表工作.

Early dismissal

When there is an early dismissal, 10个月的教师和9个月、10个月的辅助性服务员工的工作日将在所有学生被解雇且该员工直接监督的学生全部离开学校时结束. 如果需要这些员工照顾学生,校长可能会要求他们继续值班.

所有11个月和12个月的专业人员和12个月的学校支持服务人员将按照规定的时间工作,除非主管批准提前解雇行政办公室. Temporary employees, except lunch hour aides and staff development substitute teachers, 长期代课教师也不会因延迟开学或提前解雇而获得紧急休假工资. These employees are only paid for the actual hours worked.

Other Emergency Closings

当学校被总统或州长宣布关闭时, all employees, 经督学特别指定为应急人员的除外, will be granted emergency leave.

Paycheck Distribution

目前已登记直接存款的雇员不受紧急工资分配的影响. Employees hired after Feb. 1, 2001, are required to participate in direct deposit. 我们鼓励所有其他员工使用直接存款制度. 雇员和退休人员服务中心网站上有一个直接存款登记表格的链接.

Please note that when emergency procedures are in effect, 不提供紧急工资发放的特别安排.

Delayed opening or early closing

Normal paycheck distribution procedures will be followed.

Schools closed, administrative and central offices open

学校员工的检查将在下一个工作日学校开放时送达. 继续营业的行政和中心办公室的员工将获得正常的工资分配. (Administrative offices are defined as 45 W. Gude, CESC, Lincoln Center, Connecticut Park Center, Lynnbrook Center, Rocking Horse Center, Vision Programs, Upper Montgomery County Center, Spring Mill Center, Century 21 Center.)

Systemwide closing

如果决定邮寄支票,请观看MCPS有线电视33和34频道或收听当地电台和电视台的支票分发信息. 支票将于下一个指定的工作日分发到所有学校和中央及行政办公室

Staff Training

The snow is coming down faster and faster. 督学刚刚宣布学校将提前停课. 但是你那天下午要参加一个培训项目. You could make several phone calls to find out if it's still on. Or you could refer to the table below.

Status of schools Morning
Full day
After hours
Canceled Canceled and rescheduled Canceled and rescheduled Canceled and rescheduled Canceled and rescheduled
Early closing
(2.5 hours)
Held as scheduled Canceled and rescheduled Morning held as scheduled,
Afternoon canceled and rescheduled
Canceled and rescheduled
Delayed opening
(2.0 hours)
Canceled and rescheduled Held as scheduled Canceled and rescheduled Held as scheduled